The Signify Collection


Did you know that your brain is listening and changing with every thought? Why not change it how you wish?

Thanks to its neuroplasticity (ability to change), your brain is following what you think and say and is changing accordingly. And that is hugely exciting because you hold the power to make that change happen all on your own. You literally hold the key to whatever state you wish to be, and that key lies in what you choose to think and dwell on. This isn't medical advice; it is simply how our brains are created.

This principle can be applied to just about anything: calmness, gratefulness, happiness, discipline.... one phrase focused on often can help flip that switch in your brain toward making that new pathway and connection.


The purpose of each necklace in this collection is to remind the wearer of their chosen state. It understandably takes time to wire new, positive neural pathways, so we can certainly use all the helpful signals we can get.

Simply wearing the "Grateful" necklace, for example, will not magically make you grateful. But the key to changing your brain is repetition, and each little change to reach that end are yours to make. Let each piece in this collection serve as a lovely reminder that your brain is listening and that you can change. It's a beautiful, empowering realization.


The Signify Collection wouldn’t exist if I hadn’t become chronically ill in 2010 and healed in 2017.

To make a very long story short, a large puzzle piece to my healing was a brain retraining program that empowered me to rewire my brain from a state of fight-or-flight–fueled illness to health. One of the most powerful tools for me was repeating “I Am” statements like the ones you’ll find now in the Signify Collection.

Because our brains were created with the ability to change (they do so constantly with or without our input), we can retrain and rewire our brains to our benefit, chronically ill or not. This is the power of neuroplasticity. One way is by repeating, thinking, or writing a helpful phrase multiple times a day, like “I am strong,” “I am safe,” or “I am whole.”

We each have such a gift in a brain that changes, and I will forever be grateful to God for designing us this way and directing me to this fact that transformed my life.

Check out many more “I Am” statements here. And feel free to contact me if you’d like more resources or info on my experience. The hope is real!